NLP Learning Systems Corporation

PO Box 261907

Plano, TX  75026

(972) 931-9984

11551 Forest Central Drive, Suite 200, Dallas, Texas 75243
(214) 343-1010    (800) 527-7620 toll-tree    (800) 492-9180 Texas Residents

July 24, 1984


Dear Jan:

Thank you for coming into my life. I would like you to know that NLP has helped both my professional and personal life in ways that make me very grateful to you and your teachings.

I would also, like you to know that NLP has freed me from the old constraining habits that once led to fear and frustration during my attempts at interpersonal communication. Now I realize that I have the power to make this same interpersonal communication not only a joyful enlightening experience, but, also, one that makes me feel good about myself and others. To these results, I would like to say thank you.

It's my belief that through NLP, one can profit in other areas besides communication skills. One of these areas can include one's own phobic fears. Case in Point: I had just finished a four (4) month clinic which helps phobic people overcome the fear of heights, flying, and crowded rooms. I did exceptionally well, as I faced my problem areas, however, there was no way for me to practice flying without actually flying. Last month, I had to take a flight to Pittsburgh, and not having all the confidence I needed to overcame the fear of flying, I asked Jack Walton to do a "Change History" on me. My flight lasted for 2 ½ hours, and I know that this technique helped me enjoy the flight.  The Change History Technique has helped me in both business and social activities

In conclusion, I would like to point out that NLP can help anyone who is open and receptive to trying to overcame their own personal difficulties.

Sincerely yours,

E. T. Kanes,
Assistant Vice President


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