NLP Learning Systems Corporation PO Box 261907 Plano, TX 75026 (972) 931-9984 |
May 1, 1985
Even though you do not know me personally, we have something in common - a relationship with Sandi Craig.
Having just completed an NLP course taught by Sandi, I was impressed by both the course content and the manner in which it was taught. Before I took the course, I favored a particular approach, as vice principal of a modern junior high school, in dealing with young people on a disciplinary level. That approach became almost habit because I did the same things, in terns of conferring with students on a one-to-one basis, most of the time. Now I am aware of the many options available, of the flexibility that I have to develop rapport through communication via the appropriate channel. The child who looks at the floor in auditory-digital is not ignoring me as I had previously thought! I could go on but you surely understand my point.
What a super instructor you have in Sandi! If anyone was born to be an NLP instructor, she is it. Since I have been observing and evaluating teachers for many years, it was natural for me to look with a critical eye at the methods and techniques Sandi used in her presentation. The learning theories of Madeline Hunter and Harvey Silver were incorporated in her lessons as well as, I am sure, many of your techniques.
All of this goes to prove that your NLP course principles, as taught by Sandi, are touching and brightening the lives of many people. I know this is true because ... I am her father.
Dorman Craig